2020 has provided us with the longest period of quiet in recorded human history. And with that, we’ve all had distance from the existing systems and status quos in place, exposing their flaws - much of which are a result of, or further exacerbated by, the ways we currently use technology. We simply can’t ignore it all anymore; especially when a lot of the issues are easily fixed. For socially-conscious brands like giffgaff, it’s time to really put their money where their mouth is.
2020’s exposed the problems, but it’s also shown us the solution: collective, communal effort (see: Marcus Rashford rallying everyone to do what our government, bizarrely, can’t). Working with giffgaff, we’re making sure 2021 brings about real, actionable change. By signal boosting the power of community, giffgaff are bringing technology back to doing good - for people and the planet.
How exactly?
Through a series of partnerships (Ladbible ‘Check Your Drawers’, Global ‘Project Give Back’, owned social and PR campaigns, we will empower people
across the UK to tackle the problems of e-waste, isolation and digital exclusion.
With an aim to make the largest impact possible...from the smallest, most realistic individual actions.
Could 2021 be our best, most positive year yet?